GHG Report 2020
Greenhouse Gas GHG Carbon Footprint Inventory Details
On-Site Assessment:: -Industry-specific questionnaire review of data (Figure 1)
Interval Data: - Data Audit form NEM-12 Meter Data Lift weights.
Invoice Analysis: - Energy (Electricity-Gas), Waste, Water & Equipment performance
The intent for the FY21 carbon report is to set a benchmark for Reddrop Group continuous commitment to the reduction of the greenhouse gas emissions including:
-Behavioural changes to both on-site processes and resources used.
-Infrastructure modifications & improvements.
-Increase of renewable energy infrastructure.
-Identification of emission reduction opportunities in targeted areas.
-Ongoing assessment processes.
-Reporting measurement analyses.
The Reddrop Retail Group also recognises the responsibility that it holds within the independent supermarket community to lead in response to the realities of climate change.
This document is the first for The Reddrop Group Greenhouse Gas GHG Inventory (Carbon Footprint) developed in 2021 which is defined as the baseline year, for subsequent GHG Inventories.
• The GHG Inventory (Carbon Footprint) was completed in accordance
• National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting (NGER) (Measurement)
Determination 2008, (“the Measurement Determination”)
• International Standard ISO 14064.1:2008
• World Resources Institute and World Business Council for Sustainable Development’s
WRI/WBCSD GHG Protocol – Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard (‘Corporate Standard’).
Total Emissions
In 2021 the total organisational emissions were calculated as 11868 tons of CO2-e.
A summary of the carbon emissions for 2021 is
Scope 1 - at 21.69%,
Scope 2 - at 65.47%,
Scope 3 - at 12.83%
Scope 1
Scope 2
Scope 2
Total of 7769.98 Tons Of CO2-e at 65.47%
Scope 3
Scope 3
Total of 1523 Tons Of CO2-e at 12.76%
Considering that the Reddrop Group has not reached the reporting threshold requirements imposed by the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Act, Corporate Group thresholds of 50 000 metric tonnes or more of Greenhouse Gases (CO2-e) (scope 1 and scope 2 emissions).see page * (Source).
The Reddrop Group is committed to decreasing its impact on the environment, and as part of this ongoing effort, the Reddrop has already included its Scope 3 metrics and is aiming to accomplish its full measurement.
Scope 1
100 %
Scope 2
100 %
Scope 3
20 %
Carbon Emission reduction achievements
measured on waste to landfill diversion and recycling and onsite onsite renewable energy generation